54011KD – 1 oz Syringe


AOS Silicone XT Heat Sink Compound is recommended for high-temperature heat transfer. Silicone XT is a silicone-based thermal grease made from a silicone fluid thickened with metal oxide fillers. The product offers high thermal conductivity and virtually no bleed or evaporation over a wide operating temperature range. It has a grease-like consistency and is opaque white in color.

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AOS Silicone XT Heat Sink Compound is recommended for high-temperature heat transfer. Silicone XT is a silicone-based thermal grease made from a silicone fluid thickened with metal oxide fillers. The product offers high thermal conductivity and virtually no bleed or evaporation over a wide operating temperature range. It has a grease-like consistency and is opaque white in color.

Product Features & Benefits

Stable at continuous operating temperatures up to 250°C; very little bleed; excellent thermal resistance and high thermal conductivity; efficient thermal coupler; effective and positive heat sink sealers and heat transfer agent.

Major Applications

While suitable for traditional thermal grease applications, Silicone XT is especially appropriate when there is an intentional heat source, such as a heating element, calrod, etc., that requires continuous operation at temperatures exceeding 200°C.